We are a prime partner to our clients and want to help them achieve their goals in life through measurable targets in wealth management.

Everything we do is tailored-made and designed for every client. Our services are divided into three categories of partnership:

Multi-Single Family Office / Wealth Management

For clients who want to have or need multiple depositary banks, lawyers, tax-advisors, and many other experts around wealth management, but one single point of contact and a clear tailor-made overview.

We guide our clients to be cost-effective and create or maintain the best structure for the family wealth. Wealth is not limited to bankable assets; it includes also real estate, art, yachts and all other elements that constitutes wealth. Therefore, we are able to involve all the necessary specialists in wealth management (wealth engineering, tax advisors, banks, etc.). We put at the client disposal a clear tailor-made reporting to be able to monitor or organise regular meetings (physical or VC). We do not have integrated teams, but rather work with existing experts that our clients already know and trust or from our network of experts that we can recommend. This partnership can also be combined with one of the two below mandates.

Relationship Management – Admin & execution only

For clients who do not want to delegate the management of one or several bank portfolios, but swould like to enjoy efficient administrative procedures with bank(s) and smooth oredr’s executions.

We guide clients in chosing the depositary bank(s), facilitate the relations with the bank(s) without any conflict of interest, we are independant. We bring stability, efficiency and confidentiality.

Asset Management – Advisory

For clients who want to delegate the management of one or several bank portfolios, but still want to have the final word on the investment decisions.

We guide clients in chosing the depositary bank(s), define together the investment target, profile, strategy, monitor the implementation and prepare regular tailor-made reports. Our clients are the final decision-makers for investments. We interact with various banks and investment specialists to provide our clients with the relevant information and the advices they need without any conflict of interest as we are independent.

Asset Management – Discretionary

For clients who want to delegate the investment decisions of the bank portfolio(s).

We guide clients in chosing the depositary bank(s), define together the investment target, profile, strategy, monitor the implementation and prepare regular tailor-made reports. We are independent certified experts in finance and therefore have no conflict of interest for the investment decisions. Some strategies require very specific know-how. For that reason we also collaborate with the best asset managers in their field whenever needed: specific themes (i.e technology or Artificial Intelligence), active management, passive management (index driven), absolute return, derivatives, tactical asset allocation, hedge funds, Private equities, etc.